



IEEE International Conference on Communications
9-13 June 2013 //
Budapest // Hungary
Bridging the Broadband Divide


Keynote Speakers

Academic Keynote:

Moe Win (Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, USA): Network Localization and Navigation: a Comprehensive View

The availability of positional information is of extreme importance in numerous commercial, health-care, public safety, and military applications. The coming years will see the emergence of location-aware networks with sub-meter localization accuracy, minimal infrastructure, and robustness in harsh (GPS challenged) environments. To reach this goal we advocate network localization and navigation (NLN), a new paradigm that exploits a combination of wideband transmission and spatiotemporal cooperation. In particular, our work has addressed this problem from three perspectives: theoretical framework, cooperative algorithms, and network experimentation. The theoretical framework provides the fundamental performance bounds and insights into NLN. Cooperative algorithms are designed to approach these bounds, resulting in dramatic performance improvements over traditional techniques. Network experimentation enables system designers to determine important attributes of physical environments and to develop realistic models. We will give a brief technical overview of our research results in the field of NLN.

Industry Keynote:

Ciaran Connell (CEO) & Michael McLaughlin (CTO), DecaWave, Ireland: Silicon for Precision Indoor Location at Performance, Price and Power Consumption Points That Enable Mass Adoption

The World is demanding indoor location and all the attendant services it can deliver; services that leverage precision ranging, precision location and precision association. But this requires infrastructure and cheap small tags. The infrastructure (in WLAN APs or proprietary APs) demands a minimum Non line of sight (NLOS) performance. The services envisaged demand superior precision and reliability. Tag manufacturers demand a compelling price and power profile. And so a chip must be brought to market that conforms to an industry standard (thereby allowing proliferation) which enables breakthrough performance in LOS and NLOS range, precision and reliability, whilst operating in the harsh realities of indoors where multipath and narrowband interference are a challenge. Chips compliant to IEEE802.15.4a are such chips. But they must be at price points and power points that enable mass adoption. DecaWave’s DW1000 is such a chip and it goes into mass production in 2013. How does the standard deliver such performance and how does DecaWave realise it so convincingly. And what are the market verticals that are moving first and stimulating the build out.

To describe how the chip and standard work, Mr Laughlin the co Founder and CTO of DecaWave will present. To describe how the part is positioned and being adopted, Mr Connell the co Founder and CEO of DecaWave will present. In short, DecaWave will present the vision and the realisation of the vision for indoor location.

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Detailed Program

Sunday, June 9

09:00 – 10:30 ANLN-01: Welcome and Keynote Speeches

Chairs: Davide Dardari (University of Bologna, Italy), Klaus Witrisal (Graz University of Technology, Austria)

9:00 Network Localization and Navigation: a Comprehensive View

Moe Win (Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, USA)

9:45 Silicon for Precision Indoor Location at Performance, Price and Power Consumption Points That Enable Mass Adoption

Mr Connell (CEO) & Mr McLaughlin (CTO), (DecaWave, Ireland)

11:00 – 12:30 ANLN-02: Cooperative Localization and Sensor Networks

Chair: Andrea Conti (ENDIF University of Ferrara, WiLAB University of Bologna, Italy)

11:00 The Impact of Cooperative Localization on Achieving Higher-Level Goals

Henk Wymeersch (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)

11:15 Cooperative and Heterogeneous Indoor Localization Experiments

Benoit Denis (CEA-Leti Minatec, France); Ronald Raulefs (German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany); Bernard Henri Fleury (Aalborg University, Denmark); Bernard Uguen (University of Rennes I, France); Lorena De Celis (Acorde Technologies, Spain); Nicolas Amiot (Université Rennes I & Institut d’ Electronique et de Télécommunications de Rennes, France); Jacobo Dominguez (ACORDE, Spain); Michael Koldsgaard (Aalborg University, Denmark); Mohamed Laaraiedh (University of Rennes 1, France); Hadi Noureddine (Telecom Bretagne, France); Emanuel Staudinger (German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany); Gerhard Steinboeck (Aalborg University, Denmark)

11:30 A Statistical Geometry Approach to Distance Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks

Valerio Freschi (University of Urbino, Italy); Emanuele Lattanzi (University of Urbino, Italy); Alessandro Bogliolo (University of Urbino, Italy)

11:45 Cooperative Multipath-Assisted Indoor Navigation and Tracking (Co-MINT) Using UWB Signals

Markus Froehle (Graz University of Technology, Austria); Erik Leitinger (Graz University of Technology, Austria); Paul Meissner (Graz University of Technology, Austria); Klaus Witrisal (Graz University of Technology, Austria)

12:00 Using Spatial Correlation of Ocean Current for Velocity Estimate of Underwater Drifting Nodes

Roee Diamant (University of British Columbia, Canada); Lars Wolff (University of Applied Sciences Kiel, Germany); Lutz Lampe (University of British Columbia, Canada)

12:15 Radio Positioning based on DoA Estimation: An Implementation Perspective

Andrea M Tonello (University of Udine, Italy); Daniele Inserra (Università di Udine, Italy)

14:00 – 15:30 ANLN-03: Radar and RFID Localization

Chair: Alberto Rabbachin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)

14:00 Sensor Radars with Subset Diversity

Stefania Bartoletti (ENDIF University of Ferrara, Italy); Andrea Giorgetti (University of Bologna, Italy); Andrea Conti (ENDIF University of Ferrara, WiLAB University of Bologna, Italy)

14:15 RFID and Radar Localization: a Position Error Bound Analysis

Nicolò Decarli (University of Bologna, Italy); Davide Dardari (University of Bologna, Italy)

14:30 Accurate Wireless Tracking for Underground Mining

Mark Hedley (CSIRO, Australia); Ian Gipps (CSIRO, Australia)

14:45 Bayesian Tracking in UWB Radar Sensor Networks

Bita Sobhani (University of Bologna & Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering (DEI), CNIT, Italy); Enrico Paolini (DEI, University of Bologna, Italy); Andrea Giorgetti (University of Bologna, Italy); Matteo Mazzotti (University of Bologna, Italy); Marco Chiani (University of Bologna, Italy)

15:00 Semi-passive UHF-UWB RFID: Architecture and Localization Performance

Enrico Savioli (Datalogic S. p. a., Italy); Marco Bottazzi (Datalogic S. p. a., Italy); Federico Natali (Datalogic S. p. a., Italy); Nicolò Decarli (University of Bologna, Italy); Francesco Guidi (ENSTA – ParisTech and University of Bologna, France); Niels Hadaschik (Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits, Germany); Raffaele D’Errico (CEA, LETI, Minatec Campus, France); Laurent Ouvry (CEA-Leti Minatec, France)

16:00 – 17:30 ANLN-04: Radio Channel Modeling for Localization

Chair: Bernard Henri Fleury (Aalborg University, Denmark)

16:00 Design and Implementation of an Inertial Navigation System for Pedestrians Based on a Low-Cost MEMS IMU

Francesco Montorsi (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy); Fabrizio Pancaldi (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia & Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni (CNIT), Italy); Giorgio M. Vitetta (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy)

16:15 GNSS Signal Acquisition in Harsh Urban Environments

Matthias Wildemeersch (University of Twente & Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), The Netherlands); Cornelis H Slump (University of Twente, The Netherlands); Tony Q. S. Quek (Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) & Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore); Alberto Rabbachin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)

16:30 On the Use of Ray Tracing for Performance Prediction of UWB Indoor Localization Systems

Paul Meissner (Graz University of Technology, Austria); Mingming Gan (FTW, Telecommunications Research Center Vienna, Austria); Francesco Mani (TELECOM ParisTech, France); Erik Leitinger (Graz University of Technology, Austria); Markus Froehle (Graz University of Technology, Austria); Claude Oestges (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium); Thomas Zemen (FTW Telecommunications Research Center Vienna, Austria); Klaus Witrisal (Graz University of Technology, Austria)

16:45 Wireless Indoor Positioning Relying on Observations of Received Power and Mean Delay

Stjepan Begusic (University of Zagreb, Croatia); Daniel Urup (Aalborg University, Denmark); Jasmina Kolonic (University of Zagreb, Croatia); Henrik Pedersen (Aalborg University, Denmark); Wei Wang (German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany); Ronald Raulefs (German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany); Morten Lomholt Jakobsen (Aalborg University, Denmark); Gerhard Steinboeck (Aalborg University, Denmark); Troels Pedersen (Aalborg University, Denmark)

17:00 Direction of Arrival Estimation with Arbitrary Virtual Antenna Arrays using Low Cost Inertial Measurement Unit

Muhammad Atif Yaqoob (Lund University, Sweden); Fredrik Tufvesson (Lund University, Sweden); Anders Mannesson (Lund University, Sweden); Bo Bernhardsson (Lund University, Sweden)

17:15 PyLayers: An Open Source Dynamic Simulator for Indoor Propagation and Localization

Nicolas Amiot (Université Rennes I & Institut d’ Electronique et de Télécommunications de Rennes, France); Mohamed Laaraiedh (University of Rennes 1, France); Bernard Uguen (University of Rennes I, France)