




IEEE International Conference on Communications
23-27 May 2016 //
Kuala Lumpur // 
IEEE ICC’16: Communications for All Things


EDAS program:

Keynote Speakers

Academic Keynote:

Leng Mei (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore):  GPS-free navigation and tracking using signal-of-opportunity

In this talk, we consider the problem of navigation and tracking in GNNS-free scenarios, and we explored the use of signal-of-opportunity (SOOP) as the alternative of GNNS signals. A SOOP refers to a public signal broadcast from an established transmitting infrastructure for non-navigation purposes, and examples of SOOP beacons include communication satellites, FM radio signal stations, and cellular communication stations. We investigate the effect of asynchronous clocks in SOOP navigation, and we develop a joint localization and synchronisation algorithm using SOOP. We explore the feasibilities of various SOOP beacons in practice, and carried out experimental studies using Iridium satellites and FM stations. The limitation and performance of the developed algorithm are discussed based on simulation and experiment results.

Leng Mei received the B.Eng. degree from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Chengdu, China, in 2005 and the Ph.D. degree from The University of Hong Kong in 2011. She is currently a Research Scientist in Temasek Laboratories@NTU, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Her research interests include navigation and tracking algorithms, distributed algorithms and machine learning with applications to wireless sensor networks and wireless communication systems. Her current research focus on both theoretical and experimental works on outdoor localization and tracking.

Detailed Program

Monday, May 23, 14:50 – 15:30 S2: Algorithms and assessment of localization systems

Pre-deployment performance assessment of device-free radio localization systems

Sanaz Kianoush (National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Italy); Vittorio Rampa (IEIIT – CNR – Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione, Italy); Stefano Savazzi (National Research Council of Italy (CNR) & Politecnico di Milano, Italy); Monica Nicoli (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)

On Joint Angle and Delay Estimation in the Presence of Local Scattering

Ahmad Bazzi (EURECOM & RivieraWaves-A CEVA COMPANY, France); Dirk Slock (EURECOM, France); Lisa Meilhac (CEVA-RivieraWaves, France)

Monday, May 23, 16:00 – 17:00 S3: Indoor Localization Techniques

Robust Time-of-Arrival Self Calibration and Indoor Localization using Wi-Fi Round-Trip Time Measurements

Kenneth Batstone, Magnus Oskarsson and Kalle Åström (Lund University, Sweden)

Indoor Occupancy Tracking in Smart Buildings Using Passive Sniffing of Probe Requests

Edwin Vattapparamban, Bekir S Çiftler, Ismail Güvenç and Kemal Akkaya (Florida International University, USA); Abdullah Kadri (Qatar Mobility Innovations Center, Qatar)

Indoor Localization Solutions to Support Independent Daily Life of Impaired People at Home

Stefano Tennina (WEST Aquila & University of L’Aquila, Italy); Roberto Alesii (University of L’Aquila, Italy); Francesco Tarquini (University of l’Aquila & Center of Excellence DEWS, Italy); Fabio Graziosi (University of l’Aquila, Italy)

Resource optimization for asynchronous cooperative location-aware networks

Chuanying Li and Tingting Zhang (Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen Graduate School, P.R. China)

Monday, May 23, 17:00 – 17:45 Panel Discussion

Challenges in Next-Generation Localization Techniques

Panelists: Sanaz Kianoush (CNR IEIIT, Milano, Italy), Dirk Slock (EURECOM, Sophia Antipolis, France), Andreas Molisch (University of South California, USA), and Kenneth John Batstone (Lund University, Sweden)